Monday, 14 March 2011

Day 9

Hey everyone!
Once again, on my daily boring blog and stuff.
Anyway I don't have much to say today. I pass Math with a good mark and I have done an Environmental Science exam. It went kind of well, our teacher only asked us three questions. The first one was a bit difficult, since we had to think a bit for it and stuff. And so question no.3. That's the good and the bad thing about this subject: if you have a small logical brain, with some basic information if you have been listening in class, you can pass the exam. If you don't, then start forgetting about it xD. What I mean is that they don't ask you objective questions such as: "Describe what a (whatever) is, its causes and its consequences", like in Biology for example. Questions are more complex than that, and they usually show you grafics, maps, images and stuff and you have to put in order everything you've learnt by heart (I know you always do, even if you still make everyone to believe that you just think using logic) and try to apply all that knowledge on what you are seeing. "Use a bit of imagination" that what our teacher says to us.
Today has been also a weird day. While we were doing that science exam, we heard some noises, like someone hitting the walls very hard. Our teacher (who is also the director of studies at my school) thought that those noises came from the class under ours, which is a 3ยบ E.S.O class, and she was planing to scold them. We continued doing our exam, when the noises continued: some guys were throwing stones towards our windows. Everyone stood up in the middle of the exam. It was kinda frightening, since they could have broken some windows and so the stones could have got into the class, but they didn't. I don't know what the windows of this school are made of, but the stone just bounced on it! Our teacher just went downstairs to tell the director and call the police, but the guys were already gone, so I don't know how everything ended up like. However, I'll be afraid of being on that class from now.

Hope you had a nice day! =)


  1. Broken windows o.O Oh my God.
    And I don't know that more to say, I will say more something, but me faltan palabras, (sorry u_u).

  2. Yep, well they couldn't break them, I don't know how, but the glass is magical, somehow xD.
    Ok! No problem, you can speak spanish anyway if you want =)

  3. It's nice to hear that Environmental Science isn't a difficult subject and that you can pass it with the informatio you have listened in class and a bit of logic, because I'll take this subject next year and I was a bit afraid xDU.
    Throwing stones agains your window? LOL, it shoud be frightening. I'm gad it ended happily.
    Have a nice day too :D

    PD: Yep, I found the text on the internet, and I also love the lasr sentence.
