Tuesday, 5 April 2011

Do not know.

Tired of this breathless feeling.
Tired of the same story being repeated all the time.
I do not how I should feel. I cannot even imagine how I would have felt in a different situation.

I do not...

Day 31.


  1. Don't imagine it. Change the situation and feel. It's hard to do but, when you're "at the end", you're extemely happy. I promise.

  2. Sorry bor the double-post but... Such a relly nice change, I love the new blog's look!!

  3. Thank you so much Sil! I'm trying to change everything, included my perception of the world and every situation I am now.
    And thank you so much! If some of you think that this font type is annoying or something, just let me know ;3.
