Thursday 7 April 2011

This song reminds me that story I have always wanted to write down in a book. My book. The story of Glace, Zak and Pyros. I started two versions of the book, but I don't like any of them. I think there's something I'm not considering, maybe my organization in this kind of things is just that bad. But I will finish at least one of the books, I swear. I can't die without telling the world that story, even if nobody will ever read it.

Day 33


  1. I love Glace's name :3
    Considering the song's theme, your book looks amazing. I'd like to read it someday.


    PD: Actually, it reminds me a character's story too (in some ways). África, my favourite. She's a warrior and a doctor. I think every song we hear reminds us something, anyway.

  2. Hope you will find your muse and write this book. Song is amazing, so I think story can be quite interesting too.
    You already have two potential readers)
    P.S. I hate having a lovely story in the head when can't put it into words.

  3. Thank you so much you two!
    @Silhouette: I don't think it would be very good anyways, but I really want to write it someday. Yush! Music has great powers! =)
    @Tesoro: Thanks! I know this song is just amazing. And I hate that too, but maybe you need to find "that" thing that helps you to write that story. Good luck! =)
