Wednesday 12 October 2011

Hello again!

I know I have been off for a really long time, and I'm sorry. I planned to be back with this little project by the end of August/beginning of September, but I changed my mind. I thought I did not need this. But now I realized I do. So is life.

I need this blog to talk about me, about my feelings, as I always do, but this time using a tool called English. This is because English is very important to me, and I feel like I cannot forget about it since I am not learning more of this language at school anymore. I am really going to miss it. Although I would like to join the Official Language School and never stop learning, I do not have more time. Due to political and economical reasons, it is not easy to join this school anymore. Well, it has never been easy because everyone wants to learn English, but now I can see it is ever harder. I have also started university and I started learning another language because I also wanted to.

So I will continue posting on this little blog to practice my language skills, to improve my writing and because I like and want it =). It does not matter if nobody follow me, or if nobody even care about what I say.

Thank you.

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